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US Projectile, 155mm HE, M483, M483A1

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This projectile is used to deliver submissiles dual purpose armor defeating and antipersonnel grenades.

This projectile is of the separate loading type. The fuze, propelling charge, and primer are handled and loaded separately. The projectile is provided with a fusible lifting plug in place of a fuze for handling. The lifting plug may be the yellow fusible type or the universal type. The plug must be replaced by a fuze before the projectile is loaded. The projectile contains a total of 88 dual-purpose grenades (64 M42 and 24 M46). The grenades are contained by a base plug, with a left-hand thread which is screwed into the base of the projectile. For normal usage, the expulsion charge is contained in a cavity in the nose of the projectile to eject the grenades. The expulsion charge can be a bagged expulsion charge assembly or the cylindrical plastic expulsion charge type. If desired, this expulsion charge may be replaced by a spotting charge designated to detonate the entire projectile as if it were a bulk-loaded HE projectile. The metal rotating band near the base of the projectile is protected during storage and handling by a removable plastic grommet. The M46 Grenades have stronger bodies to carry the load at the rear setback when fired.


No information about functioning.

Hazardous Components

No information about hazardous components.

See Also

Grenade, DP, M42

Grenade, DP, M46


TM 43-0001-28, Artillery Ammunition (chg 11, 2003)

TM 43-0001-28, Artillery Ammunition, Guns, Howitzers, Mortars, Recoilless Rifles, Grenade Launchers, and Artillery Fuzes (1977)