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Nose/Tail, Impact, M173, AN-M173A1, AN-M173 MOD

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Igniter bomb fuzes M173 and AN-M173A1 are impact fuzes of the direct arming, arming vane type. They function at any angle of impact, therefore can be used as nose and tail fuzes. They are used in igniter M23 or M23A1 and in fire bomb M116A1 or M116A2. These two fuze models are identical except that the diameter of the threads on the fuze head of fuze AN-M173A1 is greater than on the M173. Fuze AN-M173A1 is installed in igniter AN-M23A1; fuze M173 in igniter M23. The assemblies are not interchangeable.


No information about functioning.

Hazardous Components

No information about hazardous components.

See Also

Bomb, 750 lb Fire, M116A1, M116A2

Igniter, M23

Nose/Tail, Impact, XM923


TM 9-1385-51, Ammunition (Conventional) for Explosive Ordnance Disposal (1967)

TM 9-1325-200, Bombs and Bomb Components (1966)

OP 2216, Volume 1 - Aircraft Bombs, Fuzes, and Associated Components (1960)

TM 3-400, Chemical Bombs and Clusters (1957)